Hey! Life on the Island is great! Still loving it! haha
Yes there are beautiful beaches! Today we went to Point Bonita Lighthouse for Pday and took some amazing pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge and the Ocean! So pretty! We went with our Spanish Branch friends! It was so fun!
Being in a trio has SOO many benefits! I thought it was gonna be awkward and I thought that the missionaries in trios were all high maintenance companions. But they are not! (: My companions and I are having so much fun allllll the time!!! We really compliment each other in our weaknesses and strengths and work really well together! i LOVE them!
No mom we are not allowed to use Google haha just LDS.org. Sometimes mormon.org if we are lucky hahah
Yes there is a branch mission leader. We have weekly meetings with him and he goes to Ward Coorilation to tell the branch president what is up with the missionaries. And he will give our investigators rides to church if we need, and he will come with us to lessons. That's about it. In Santa Rosa. Hermano Navarro was in charge of our dinner calendar and filling it up, which was nice. Here they just have the women sign up during relief society... it doesnt work as well..
This play looks like so much fun!!!!! I have seen pictures on Facebook! What is it about? I am so proud of my little brothers! Every time I see those pictures on facebook I am like "Wow! Look at my brothers! They are so cute! And they look so classy!!!" (: But I have no idea what is going on in this play haha what is a "crooner"? Jarett looks so cute. I bet he is so good! And Zach too! I saw a pic of Jessie Owens and Braden as singers! And a super cute picture of him with Aubrey Sage!
Let me know how the Bailey girls do? Are they the three cowgirls? haha
I saw Taneisha post that she was with Packer and Lanesha too. Crazy... good ol Days haha
I listened to like the first 15 seconds of the clips you sent me and that was it :( It didnt work after that...
So anyway. This week has been crazy busy! But super fun!
On Saturday we had a stake wide service project, and we spread mulch at a Rec center in downtown Terra Linda for like 3 hours. With shovels and wheelbarrows. So the next day and even today we have all been SUPER sore! Then Saturday night was Sandra's Wedding! (Sandra is an investigator that got married on Saturday so she could get baptized on Sunday!) That was SO. MUCH. FUN. We served the food at the wedding so it was service. I am totally having a couple mexican wedding traditions at my wedding!!! So at the Wedding the branch President asked us three sisters to give talks in Sacrament.
So on Sunday the 1st hour Hermana Harris played piano in Primary and Hermana Sommerfeld and I finished writing our talks. The 2nd hour we taught a primary class because the teacher no showed.
3rd hour Hermana Harris played piano for sacrament and I am the sacrament Chorister And all three of us gave talks! Then after church we had the baptism. I was the chorister, and hermana Harris played haha I was like "Holy Cow! These people are gonna get sick of my face!" hahah
But it was a fun day! Then we had a branch luncheon after the baptism. (:
So we spent a lot of time together as a branch this weekend, but it was good! We are all really good friends now!
Hermana Sommerfeld has essential oils and rubbed some lavender and deep blue into my shoulders last night, it really helped! Still sore today though! Everyone here fights over those essential oils. The Elders will do pretty much anything for some lavender or deep blue haha or past tense. Those are everybody's favorites!
Hope you guys are having a good week! Sounds busy busy over there! Looks like so much fun though!
I love you so much!
Hermana Hardy
P.S. Sorry the pictures didnt work :( I'll try to send some more today!
Fun times!
All of us at the Lighthouse!
From Left to right
starting in the back Elder Sabin, Elder Phillips, Elder Jeske and Elder Campbell
In the front Hermana Whiteley, Hermana Harris, Hermana Sommerfeld, Hermana Gonzalez, and Hermana Hardy!(:
All of us in Matchy Red!
From Left to Right:
In the back Elder Phillips, Elder Jeske, Elder Sabin, and Elder Campbell (They all look so classy!)
In the middle: Hermana Whiteley and Hermana Gonzalez
In the front: Hermana Hardy, Hermana Sommerfeld, and Hermana Harris!